-----------This is the place to follow the progress of the Brigada comic book by Enrique Fernandez.-----------

\\\\\\\\\\\\ PRE-ORDERS AND CONTACT please mail to "BRIGADACOMIC@GMAIL.COM" //////////////////

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Storyboard DONE !

Now moving to next stage: designing the definitive secondary characters and start making the final pages! :)

Ahora empieza lo bueno: diseñar el resto de secundarios y empezar las páginas definitivas. Vamos allá! :)

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Script Done! ¡ Guion Acabado !

The final script is finally done, ready to be a beautiful storyboard.
If you are curious, this is how I usually work: 

-step A: where all the ideas are noted down without any order or sense. Just all the ideas, dialogues,characters, situations,etc. Usually only just around 60 % of that stuff is on the final book.

-step B: an scheme in constant evolution. All the pieces of the puzzle, all the scenes in order. It helps to see the continuity. Again, there´s many changes, things to redone, and usually the final scheme arrives after 6 or 7 attempts.

-step C: a rough storyboard to sum it all and have a clear vision of the book in pages. 

El guion definitivo ya está hecho, listo para convertirse en un bonito storyboard. :)
Por si tenéis curiosidad con el tema, ésta suele ser mi forma de trabajar:

-paso A : una libreta con todas las ideas, tal cual van viniendo. Se anota todo, absolutamente todo. Es importante, porque muchas veces una de las ideas iniciales que das por fundamentales se acaba perdiendo más adelante, y va bien tenerla siempre a mano. Normalmente solo pasa la criba un 60%  de todo ése material.

-paso B: junto al desarrollo de las ideas van surgiendo esquemas para poner un poco de orden en el caos. Van muy bien para ir viendo cuantas páginas le estas dedicando a cada cosa. Es un esquema en constante evolucion, y suele salir el final tras unos 6 o 7 intentos.

-paso C: en otra libreta hago un pequeño storyboard muy básico, que ayuda a tener una vision clara del libro por páginas.

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Welcome to the BRIGADA blog!

Progress of the project:
Welcome to the blog for the project BRIGADA! Thanks again to all of you who made this project posible! This place is specially created for you. Please consider here at home.

Here you will find all the information relative to the project: news, updates, progress of the work,etc.
Also it will be the place for pre-orders if you didn´t make it in time during the Verkami campaign, although there are some items that won´t be available anymore, and others will depend on availability during the preorders.

There´s also a FAQ section, something I missed during the campaign to avoid repeating myself thousand times. :)

Also you can follow the news of the blog and project directly by mail. Easier than hitting F5 twenty times a day as I know many of you (me included) did during the Verkami process! ;D

More news to come, talk to you soon!