-----------This is the place to follow the progress of the Brigada comic book by Enrique Fernandez.-----------

\\\\\\\\\\\\ PRE-ORDERS AND CONTACT please mail to "BRIGADACOMIC@GMAIL.COM" //////////////////

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Brigada #2 campaign schedule.

Hello! I´ve been pretty busy recently with some works not related to comics and also moving to another place, but still preparing the campaign for Brigada#2.

I´m trying to manage everything and learn from mistakes on volume1 campaign. Also still waiting for some quotations on the shippings (that would be crucial on the second campaign) and some extras.

Everything is going slower than expected, and my wish of starting the campaign in past October, or even November, is obviusly pulled down. Now my best schedule is for the end of December, but having Christmas and holidays around may won´t be a good idea. Also waiting for end of January doesn´t sound good neither. If you have any suggestions or just want to drop you opinion about it, please comment here.

Well, this post is just to let you know I´m still working on it, but there are some points out of my reach.

FOR PEOPLE WANTING TO BUY THE BOOK: I receive many mails about it, and the answer is by now the same: I can´t make individual shippings, as the cost is too expensive. I need a lot of shippings at the same time (over 600 usually) to have a decent price to offer you. BUT, there´s the chance of asking your usual comic store and ask for copies, as it´s easier and affordable to send them packs of 5, 10 or 20 books, and buy your copies from that store. So if you would like to try this option, please tell your local store to contact me directly to the mail ""

Thanks a lot for your patience and I hope to send you good news soon!

2 comentarios:

  1. It looks like your experience with the first campaign wasn´t good enough to go on quickly !!, you are exhaust man! You need to go to Caiman island and have a break with your girl, come on, don´t worry we can hope for two or three months more, but the show must go on!! bueno ya vale de chapurrear en inglés, dale caña a los de verkami para que se ocupen de lo administrativo y tú dedicate a crear:))

  2. Buenas Enrique!!
    Eso es señal de que no paras y es muy bueno!!
    Decirte que estoy deseando leer la continuación de Brigada!! Me encantó el primer número y estoy convencido de que los que lleguen lo harán igual!
    Es cierto que, con las Navidades de por medio, la gente ande algo más dispersa en diciembre para la campaña. No obstante, tras las fechas navideñas puede que la cosa se dificulte con la famosa cuesta de enero, ya sabes...
    Pero bueno, seguro que va todo sobre ruedas!

    Por cierto, una preciosidad también la obra Aurore, incluso llegué a emocionarme! Sigue así, artista!!
